Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Time Is Now

Omaha, Ne - Spring football is over. Two-a-days are over. Summer is almost over and the "New Crop" of Nebraska Cornhuskers are ready to take the turf in Nebraska's Third Largest City, Memorial Stadium. Wear your black, wear your red, wear green it does not matter, what matters now is how much heart does this team have and are college footballs greatest fans ready to get back behind the big red? Will the passion of playing for the big red be back? Will opponents once again fear coming into Lincoln on a beautiful Saturday afternoon to be ripped up and down Tom Osborne Field? Will the hot Valentino's pizza by the slice be as wonderful as it was in the nineties?

I hope so. And Bo says yes it will be.

A solid offense will allow a little stability for the first couple of games, but once a reliable defense is here to stay look out Big XII conference. Things may finally get back to normal. Kansas will be good at basketball and have no place on the same field as the big red and Missouri will go back to having big hopes but not being able to get through the big red. Baylor will still be terrible.

Nebraska also welcomes Gary Sharpe, NU's new play by play announcer, who also has an uncanny resemblance to the Doc Sadler.

Go Big Red. Bo Big Red.

I'm out -- M.C. Stan BurgowitZ

Two more "Brain Snippets" from Stan:

Lets forget all about Bill Callahan and Steve Pederson. They will always suck.

And when Chase Daniels, QB Missouri, may or may not begin to receive "Heisman Hype" we must remember that this is the same dude that was caught on video picking his nose and eating his boogers. (That is a fact and can be found on YouTube.) My sources also confirm that Daniels has also been collecting his own finger and toenail clippings for over sixteen years in a bag in his closet. To his defense, a lot of folks in Missouri do the same thing.

::Stan Burgowitz::

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