Monday, March 30, 2009

Pelini Gets More Straight Cash Homie

Bo Pelini has a new deal with the UNL that awards the coach an almost 60 percent in jack from the OG deal he signed over a year ago.

At $1.851 million per year, Bo will move to No. 6 among Big 12 head football coaches in salary. The deal also adds one more year to Bo's stay in Lincoln, now running through the 2013 season.

His old deal paid him $1.1 million, with bonuses that could have taken him to $1.25 million for making the showdown that ruins everything, the Big 12 championship game. With Bo's old deal he was also eligible for a $1.6 million tip for winning a national title. The bonus structure for his new contract doesn't seem to be known yet. AD Osborne also announced dolla dolla bill increases for the Skers' nine full-time assistants.

::The Razzi::

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